Thor vs Saga: What Nordic Mythology Teaches Us about PIM

The use of PIM software is increasing day by day in the world of e-commerce. The reason behind this increase is that companies are experiencing a lot of problems with their current processes and want to find a better way to manage their product data, images, descriptions, etc. As a Nordic company, we like to turn to our old Norse roots for wisdom
So to help you decide if using a PIM platform will benefit your business, we’ve analyzed how the Norse god Thor and goddess Saga would each deal with managing all kinds of information about products that go out on the market.
But first, what’s on the mind of every entrepreneurial e-commerce spirit today, or their Nordic counterparts in the olden days?
Timeless PIM Challenges
International expansion – no Viking wants to be limited to their home market. It’s just not in their blood. Likewise, e-commerce businesses in most fields need to cross borders to reach their full potential.
These cross-border ambitions become much easier to achieve when product data is managed using PIM. You can store multiple versions of product content for each language or market context you want to support. It’s really easy to export spreadsheets with content and import translations. You can even grant your translators access to update your catalogs directly in PIM.
The question of scale, or how you distribute your effort towards individual ventures without running out of resources. Resources were pretty scarce in the Middle Ages, especially in the harsh Scandinavian climate. While we may not be facing the same issues today, keeping every one of your customers happy can often feel like a similar struggle.
Designing content scenarios to handle myriad cases is important. Still, your product content strategy should take into account that personalization is key to making your customers feel valued and encouraging loyalty. PIM lets you develop consistent product relations throughout your catalog that serve as product recommendations, making purchase decisions for your busy customers as easy as possible.
The greater outlook – you need to be far-sighted to sail unknown waters on overseas expeditions. You also need a broad view to be able to manage large volumes of e-commerce product content efficiently.
PIM is designed to give you a comprehensive outlook on the state of your product content at a glance. Smart features, like the product content completeness score, ensure you don’t miss anything important before publishing your product. With PIM, you have safeguards in place to ensure the quality of your output, so that you can develop and maintain your competitive edge.
Let’s delve into how Thor and Saga would handle their daily struggles as e-commerce marketers/entrepreneurs.
- Hot-tempered
- Mighty but dangerous
- Easily distracted
- Works in spurts
He swings his hammer first and asks questions later, like that time he bulk-edited 19,683 items… That couldn’t end too well. He constantly has to deal with distractions from his mean-spirited brother, Loki. (Just like your competition is constantly trying to outrun your efforts, huh?) As a result, he ends up working in spurts, only when he’s not too busy saving the realms. If that was not enough, his hot-temper makes it particularly difficult to focus, and writing copy that sells well is definitely not his forté.
- The “librarian of Asgard”
- Hoards transcripts of great tales
- Consistent in building up a portfolio
- Blends facts and legends alike
Saga is the librarian of Asgard. She spends her days surrounded by old tales and documents, which she uses to inspire all who visit her. Though a stalwart at collecting information for others, Saga has also made a name for herself. In fact, her name became synonymous with stories of heroic achievements. She’s great with facts and legends alike and blends them into irresistible experiences. She diligently builds up a portfolio, which is exactly what you need to do when you’re selling products online.
Thor is big and powerful. He will use his hammer to take down anyone who competes with him or upsets him. On the other hand, Saga is more like a wily fox than a mighty goddess: she sets her own goals and manages them well without getting distracted by others. As a result, Saga is able to run marketing for a 7-figure e-commerce business, and Thor, while successful in so many different venues, struggles to keep a handful of happy customers. Saga’s success leaves Thor feeling like he’s failing. He lacks the knowledge and tools to properly manage his product information. However, Thor can also create a thriving online business. He just needs to take a good look at what Saga is doing so well!
Thor’s business
Saga’s business

Having a good strategy, being consistent and intentional with how you work with product information, and perfecting the art of storytelling are all necessary for driving online sales with product information. Without these, no matter how great your products are, your online business may not reach its full potential. Meanwhile, when you use a quality PIM system, it’s like having the goddess Saga on your side.
If this got you curious about PIM, go ahead and chat with one of our experts today!